Regulations and conditions for the use of the Dominos Pizza website and application IntroductionElgad Pizza Ltd., Private Company no. 513523720 (henceforth: “The Company”), whose address is 9 Twersky Street, Tel Aviv – Yafo, is the franchise-holder for Dominos Pizza in Israel and operates the internet site / and the application and website adapted for cellular phones (henceforth, collectively or individually, collectively: “The Site”). Conditions of useThe use of the Site and purchase through it (henceforth: “The Service”) is subject to your consent to use it in accordance with the rules that will be specified below and also in accordance with the provisions of any law, as will be in force from time to time (henceforth: “The Provisions of the Law”).Below, you will be presented with the rules for the use of the Site. Please read them thoroughly and carefully. The use of the Site, and/or marking “I confirm”, as applicable, signify approval of, and consent to, the acceptance of the terms of use and the privacy policy and an undertaking to act according to them, as well as in accordance with the Provisions of the Law.A violation of the rules may bring about the termination of your possibility of using the Site, the closure of your account, taking legal proceedings, and/or use of other legal means against you whether by the Company or by any other authority and/or entity, so please make sure to comply with the rules - for the benefit of us all.The masculine form in these Regulations is only for the sake of convenience. The Regulations are meant, obviously, for both men and women, and that is how they are to be read. User accountSo that you can place an order on the Site, you will be asked to create an account. If you create an account, you will be asked to provide us with certain information, such as given name, family name, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, address and also a password which you will use for your account. The Company is entitled to alter the means of registration from time to time, at its exclusive discretion. You declare and undertake that: (a) All the information that you give during the registration process is correct and precise, and that you will maintain the precision of this information, and (b) You have the right to provide the above-mentioned information.You are completely and exclusively responsible for the security of your device and/or account, and for your activity while using the Services, even in the event that it is not you that conducts the activity. The Company will not bear any responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from unauthorised use of your account. You agree and undertake to indemnify and compensate the Company for any improper, unauthorized or illegal use of your Account, unless you notify the Company at the address, of the unauthorised use of your account, and that you request that it be blocked. The Company does not monitor, nor can it promise that it will know of, any improper use of the Services. Restrictions of useLet us remind you – use of the Site constitutes agreement to use it in accordance with the rules of use and the Provisions of the Law, and its use constitutes your agreement and undertaking to act accordingly.For illustration and clarification purposes only, herewith follows a list of prohibited uses. The list is not exhaustive and the failure to include a certain prohibited use does not legitimise it, nor do the details detract from the generality.Illegal use is prohibited – use of the Site for any illegal purpose or any purpose that is prohibited by these Regulations, is prohibited.The use is exclusively individual – the Site is intended for your use as a private user and is conditional upon the use of your true personal particulars only. Do not use the Site while assuming a false identity, and/or pretending to be another person. It is forbidden to make any other use of the site that is not private personal use, including commercial use for the purpose of generating profit, for example, by advertising a product or a service or sales offers, etc. It is also forbidden to conduct surveys, for profit or other purposes, distribute or play games, distribute "chain letters", etc.Prohibition of copying – it is prohibited to copy in any way, including duplication, reproduction, direct and/or indirect copying, etc., any content that appears on the Site, whether provided by the Company or included in various forums and/or links. It is also prohibited to make a direct and/or indirect copy of any technology used on the Site.Prohibition of use - it is forbidden to sell, rent, distribute, display, broadcast any content from the Site and/or any content copied from it, including their installation for the purpose of sale, rental or in any other way.Prohibition of the introduction of changes – it is expressly prohibited to introduce any changes to the Site, its contents and/or the technology used on the Site.Prohibition of harming the Site and its content - it is expressly prohibited to send files to the site, which may harm the Site, and / or a user of the Site in any way, including files infected with viruses. Restrictions of use in forums – digital assets linked to social media.It is possible that you will find on the Site content that will be passed on by the Company as a public service, referrals to various other applications through links or in some other way (henceforth: “Links”) to pages that are dedicated or unique to Dominos Pizza on social media (henceforth: “Forums”).A user will use the Forums in his name only, and at his responsibility, and subject to the contents of the terms of use and the privacy policy of those Forums. The Company does not bear any responsibility for the content that appears in the various Forums, nor is it obligated to supervise the Forums and their content.As a user, you must use the Forums in a cultured and respectful manner.The use of the Forums, just like the use of the entire Site, is subject to the provisions of the terms of use and the Provisions of the Law. As an example, and for the purpose of illustration only, a list of prohibited uses is brought below. The details do not detract from the generality. Prohibited uses of Forums and content that is not to be contained therein.a.            A violation of the provisions of any law, and/or any instruction, and/or any provision of these rules.b.           Incitement or sedition.c.            Assisting and/or soliciting and/or committing a criminal offense. d.           Assisting, soliciting and/or causing any civil wrong.e.            Use of defamation.f.             Invasion of privacy.g.            Publication of obscene material of any kind.h.           Hurting emotions of any kind whatsoever.i.              Infringement and/or violation of copyrights, broadcasters’, performers’ and/or any other rights granted to the creation and/or the creator.j.              Infringement and/or violation of intellectual property rights of any kind, including design, trademark, patent, whether registered or unregistered and/or a business and/or a commercial secret and/or other intellectual property, whether or not the owner of the right has not taken measures to protect it.k.            Commercial information of any kind, including sales offers of a product or service.Without any responsibility being imposed on it for the Forums or the content, the Company and/or anyone managing the Forums on the Company’s behalf, reserve, at their discretion, all rights to delete, and/or to refuse to include on the Site and/or the Forums, any content.The Company will not be obligated to notify and/or inform, in advance and/or retroactively, any prior notice of exclusion and/or deletion of content and shall not be obligated to provide reasons for such action. In this regard, the Company reserves all rights to refrain from including and/or deleting content that does not comply with the provisions of these rules of use, content that constitutes a violation of the Provisions of the Law and/or content that may harm the Company, its business, its customers and/or any of those acting in its name and/or on its behalf.Copyright and Intellectual PropertyCopyright, intellectual property and any other right to the Site and the content that is use on the site, to a computer code, a graphic file, text and any other information contained on the site, belong and will belong exclusively to the Company. It is prohibited to copy, distribute, display in public or pass on to a third party, any of the above, and/or any part thereof, unless on receipt of the Company’s prior, written consent, and subject to that consent if granted.Registered and unregistered trademarks that appear on the sight are the intellectual property of the Dominos Pizza chain and of the Company. Under no circumstances may use be made of the trademarks on the Site, unless with the prior, written consent of the owners.The submission of content to the Site constitutes an explicit declaration that you possess all rights and are entitled to submit it for publication and that its submission does not violate the right of any third party, including copyright and/or another’s right to privacy.Please note that the Company will rely on this declaration as a basis for including content you submitted to the Site. The submission of information for publication will grant the Company the right, unlimited in time, to make use of the information in Israel and/or abroad, without the Company being obligated to pay any consideration for this, subject to the Provisions of the Law and the Privacy Policy.In this regard, the Company will be entitled to publish the information and/or its parts, in any part of the Site, to edit the information and/or make any alterations thereto, at its discretion. In this regard, the Company will be entitled to reproduce, copy, distribute and market the information. The Company will not listen to any claim regarding infringement of copyright and/or moral right and/or your right to receive payment for this. User’s liabilityA user who makes use of the Site contrary to the rules of use, or contrary to the Provisions of the Law, will bear exclusive liability for his actions, including any damage, direct and/or indirect, that will be caused to the Company and/or to any other person.A user who makes use of the Site contrary to the rules of use, or contrary to the Provisions of the Law, in such a way, is obligated to compensate the Company and to indemnify it and/or its staff, its managers, its shareholders or anyone acting on behalf of the aforementioned, for any direct and/or indirect damage, including loss, loss of profit, payment or expense caused to them, including lawyers’ fees and court expenses, on the first request and in accordance therewith.The Company is entitled to terminate the use that you make of the Site, in any case of action contrary to the rules of use, and/or the Provisions of the Law. However, your use not being terminated does not exempt you from the above-mentioned liability, nor does it constitute prohibition of and/or consent to your above-mentioned action. Content of the siteThis Site contains information of various types including, but not limited to: text, news, opinions, articles, announcements and any other text and/or any other information of any kind edited and/or displayed as an image and/or by sound and/or by any other means of illustration and/or reception existing and/or that will exist in the future that can be received by Users (henceforth: "Content").Links that appear on the Site are included therein for the convenience and service of the user; the Company will not be responsible in any way for the applications linked to the content displayed therein, for the quality of the service that they provide, and their inclusion does not attest to the correctness of the applications to which links will be directed.Content that will be included in the Forums is submitted and included on the site, at the users exclusive responsibility. The Company does not undertake to supervise forums and their content, and it cannot and will not be responsible in any way for such content and its impact on a user, reader, or any other person.The Company will not be liable for any direct and/or indirect damage to the body and/or property of a user and/or a third party insofar as it may be caused due to, and/or in connection with, the use of the Site, its contents, reliance on them, including the effect of content on a User and/or a third party and/or their effect on software, hardware and/or its end equipment and/or through which they were received.Sometimes there may be photographic errors and/or colour differences and/or additional items between the photographs of the products published on the site for illustration and the products as they will actually be supplied. If there is a clear, exceptional error, apparently in good faith, in the description of the product, this will not obligate the Company and it will allow the consumer to cancel and the full amount of money paid will be refunded.Information submitted as a public service, such as, but not limited to surveys, statistics, analyses, evaluations, and/or calculators and other aids, is provided without responsibility for its contents; the information should not be considered a recommendation for action, nor should it be relied upon without further examination.As a rule, any professional information, evaluations and opinions, including ideas and/or opinions, etc., that will be included on the Site is not a substitute for receiving individual opinions or advice, and should not be relied upon. Nutritional information1.            The content of the Site is intended for general and informative purposes only. The contents of the Site are not a replacement for medical or nutritional advice. To receive such advice, you should contact a professional. For this reason, the contents of the Site are not to be seen as a medical or nutritional recommendation. Any reliance on the information is undertaken solely at the responsibility of the user.2.            Do not rely on the Company’s staff as a source of medical, nutritional or allergy information whatsoever.3.            The values stated refer to:a.            100 grams values per product after baking.b.           A portion (a triangle of pizza). It is made clear that in any case, there might be a certain deviation from the information and the data displayed on the Site, because of the baking process, the preparation, and the varying sizes of the portions.4.            Please note: The dishes might contain, and some of them do contain allergens of different kings, including dairy products, sesame, eggs, various types of nuts, almonds, peanuts, gluten, etc. The dishes are not produced in an environment clear of allergenic substances, and so this warning refers to all dishes.5.            Regarding the gluten-free pizza, it is made clear that although it is not produced from materials that contain gluten, it must be taken into account that it is produced in a working environment that is not free of gluten, which might expose it to allergenic materials, including gluten. Therefore, it is recommended that those suffering from celiac, or customers sensitive to gluten, consult a medical or professional entity on this matter.6.             Regarding the vegan cheese, it is made clear that although it is not produced from animal-based materials, it must be taken into account that it is produced in a working environment that is used for the preparation of pizza which is not free of animal-based materials. This clarification is intended both for vegans and also for customers who are lactose intolerant, and it is recommended that the latter consult a medical or professional entity on this matter.7.            Most of the Company’s dishes are made from materials whose availability and nutritional values change with the seasons of the year and with the different varieties of some of the products. Moreover, the Company aspires at all times to develop and to improve the products, including the replacement of ingredients and the ingredients’ suppliers. For the above reasons, the nutritional values of the dishes advertised on this Site are representative values, and so there might be a certain deviation.8.            Alterations to the dishes, their composition and/or their contents, might be made with no prior advice. The price of the products advertised on the Site.The Company is entitled to charge a delivery fee in addition to the price of the product, in accordance with, and as indicated in, the purchase procedure. The prices of the products, and also the size of the delivery fee (if charged at all), might change from time to time. The Company is entitled to make the price of the product conditional on delivery or collection from the branch at a minimum price for each order, as will be notified from time to time. It is made clear that there might be differences between the price of a product collected from the branch, and the price of the product delivered, as will be notified from time to time. Commitment to a fixed delivery timeDominos undertakes to deliver the order to the customer within the shortest possible time, determined in advance, as will be notified from time to time, starting from the time of receiving confirmation of the payment from the credit card company for the order, whether the order is placed through the Site, the application or by telephone. The progress of the order can be followed on the “Tracker” that shows the stages of preparation, and with the completion of the preparation, the customer will receive a text message that the delivery is on its way to him. It is made clear that Dominos does its best to meet the above delivery times, however, sometimes there might be delays. Delivery times are correct for all days of the week, and subject to availability and the opening hours of the chain’s branches and the delivery zones, and whether they are kosher or not, as applicable. In the event that parties or events that are beyond the control of the Site and/or the Company, delay or prevent the sale of products, or the supply of products advertised on the Site, at the times set, and/or if the supply of the product did not meet your expectations, you can contact our Customer Service, which is at your disposal by telephone to 03 – 624 1111 or 1 – 700 – 70 – 70 – 70, all days of the week except for holidays and memorial days. The Service hours of activity might change, as will be notified from time to time. Cancellation of a transactionThere is no right to cancel a confirmed order, except in case of non-delivery or non-conformity. StockThe Company maintains ongoing control over the stock of products offered for sale. When the stock is about to end, the Site will notify consumers of this, and it will not be possible to purchase the products that are out of stock. If after placing an order, it turns out that the product is sold out, due to exceptional circumstances which were not known at the time of the order, the Company will notify the consumer and allow him to choose between receiving an alternative and equivalent product, or refunding the full amount paid.  General responsibility for the Site’s activityThe Company will not bear any responsibility for any illegal activity taken by those participating in the Site during on-site sales, or for any other party that is not under the Company’s complete control.The Site makes, and will make, every effort to maintain the integrity of its activity but does not guarantee that the service on it will not be interrupted due to malfunctions in hardware, software or communication lines, and it will not be responsible for malfunctions or disruptions on the internet or communication lines. The User exempts the Company from liability for any damage caused to him due to use of the Site. Exempting the Company from liability means exemption from any liability for direct or indirect damage to the User and/or any third party. The Company’s exemption from liability will also apply to any subsidiary company, affiliated company, associated company, shareholders, directors, executives, management, employees, and anyone acting on their behalf of and/or in their name, irrespective of whether or not explicitly stated below. Subject to the provisions of any law, in any event the Company’s maximum cumulative liability towards the user will not exceed the sum of the relevant order or NIS 100, whichever is the higher. JurisdictionIn any legal dispute, only the laws of the State of Israel will apply. The place of jurisdiction for any matter relating to the use of the Site will only be in the courts authorized by law in the State of Israel. MiscellaneousThe Company is entitled to alter the Regulations and the rules of use, from time to time, to replace them, to edit them and/or to amend them in any way and without any obligation of giving advance notice thereof.

Regulations and conditions for the use of the Domino's Pizza website and application



Elgad Pizza Ltd., Private Company no. 513523720 (henceforth: “The Company”), whose address is 9 Twersky Street, Tel Aviv – Yafo, is the franchise-holder for Domino's Pizza in Israel and operates the internet site / and the application and website adapted for cellular phones (henceforth, collectively or individually, collectively: “The Site”).


Conditions of use

The use of the Site and purchase through it (henceforth: “The Service”) is subject to your consent to use it in accordance with the rules that will be specified below and also in accordance with the provisions of any law, as will be in force from time to time (henceforth: “The Provisions of the Law”).

Below, you will be presented with the rules for the use of the Site. Please read them thoroughly and carefully. The use of the Site, and/or marking “I confirm”, as applicable, signify approval of, and consent to, the acceptance of the terms of use and the privacy policy and an undertaking to act according to them, as well as in accordance with the Provisions of the Law.

A violation of the rules may bring about the termination of your possibility of using the Site, the closure of your account, taking legal proceedings, and/or use of other legal means against you whether by the Company or by any other authority and/or entity, so please make sure to comply with the rules - for the benefit of us all.

The masculine form in these Regulations is only for the sake of convenience. The Regulations are meant, obviously, for both men and women, and that is how they are to be read.


User account

So that you can place an order on the Site, you will be asked to create an account. If you create an account, you will be asked to provide us with certain information, such as given name, family name, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, address and also a password which you will use for your account. The Company is entitled to alter the means of registration from time to time, at its exclusive discretion. You declare and undertake that: (a) All the information that you give during the registration process is correct and precise, and that you will maintain the precision of this information, and (b) You have the right to provide the above-mentioned information.

You are completely and exclusively responsible for the security of your device and/or account, and for your activity while using the Services, even in the event that it is not you that conducts the activity. The Company will not bear any responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from unauthorised use of your account. You agree and undertake to indemnify and compensate the Company for any improper, unauthorized or illegal use of your Account, unless you notify the Company at the address, of the unauthorised use of your account, and that you request that it be blocked. The Company does not monitor, nor can it promise that it will know of, any improper use of the Services.


Restrictions of use

Let us remind you – use of the Site constitutes agreement to use it in accordance with the rules of use and the Provisions of the Law, and its use constitutes your agreement and undertaking to act accordingly.

For illustration and clarification purposes only, herewith follows a list of prohibited uses. The list is not exhaustive and the failure to include a certain prohibited use does not legitimise it, nor do the details detract from the generality.

Illegal use is prohibited – use of the Site for any illegal purpose or any purpose that is prohibited by these Regulations, is prohibited.

The use is exclusively individual – the Site is intended for your use as a private user and is conditional upon the use of your true personal particulars only. Do not use the Site while assuming a false identity, and/or pretending to be another person. It is forbidden to make any other use of the site that is not private personal use, including commercial use for the purpose of generating profit, for example, by advertising a product or a service or sales offers, etc. It is also forbidden to conduct surveys, for profit or other purposes, distribute or play games, distribute "chain letters", etc.

Prohibition of copying – it is prohibited to copy in any way, including duplication, reproduction, direct and/or indirect copying, etc., any content that appears on the Site, whether provided by the Company or included in various forums and/or links. It is also prohibited to make a direct and/or indirect copy of any technology used on the Site.

Prohibition of use - it is forbidden to sell, rent, distribute, display, broadcast any content from the Site and/or any content copied from it, including their installation for the purpose of sale, rental or in any other way.

Prohibition of the introduction of changes – it is expressly prohibited to introduce any changes to the Site, its contents and/or the technology used on the Site.

Prohibition of harming the Site and its content - it is expressly prohibited to send files to the site, which may harm the Site, and / or a user of the Site in any way, including files infected with viruses.


Restrictions of use in forums – digital assets linked to social media.

It is possible that you will find on the Site content that will be passed on by the Company as a public service, referrals to various other applications through links or in some other way (henceforth: “Links”) to pages that are dedicated or unique to Domino's Pizza on social media (henceforth: “Forums”).

A user will use the Forums in his name only, and at his responsibility, and subject to the contents of the terms of use and the privacy policy of those Forums. The Company does not bear any responsibility for the content that appears in the various Forums, nor is it obligated to supervise the Forums and their content.

As a user, you must use the Forums in a cultured and respectful manner.

The use of the Forums, just like the use of the entire Site, is subject to the provisions of the terms of use and the Provisions of the Law. As an example, and for the purpose of illustration only, a list of prohibited uses is brought below. The details do not detract from the generality.


Prohibited uses of Forums and content that is not to be contained therein.

a.            A violation of the provisions of any law, and/or any instruction, and/or any provision of these rules.

b.           Incitement or sedition.

c.            Assisting and/or soliciting and/or committing a criminal offense. 

d.           Assisting, soliciting and/or causing any civil wrong.

e.            Use of defamation.

f.             Invasion of privacy.

g.            Publication of obscene material of any kind.

h.           Hurting emotions of any kind whatsoever.

i.              Infringement and/or violation of copyrights, broadcasters’, performers’ and/or any other rights granted to the creation and/or the creator.

j.              Infringement and/or violation of intellectual property rights of any kind, including design, trademark, patent, whether registered or unregistered and/or a business and/or a commercial secret and/or other intellectual property, whether or not the owner of the right has not taken measures to protect it.

k.            Commercial information of any kind, including sales offers of a product or service.

Without any responsibility being imposed on it for the Forums or the content, the Company and/or anyone managing the Forums on the Company’s behalf, reserve, at their discretion, all rights to delete, and/or to refuse to include on the Site and/or the Forums, any content.

The Company will not be obligated to notify and/or inform, in advance and/or retroactively, any prior notice of exclusion and/or deletion of content and shall not be obligated to provide reasons for such action.

In this regard, the Company reserves all rights to refrain from including and/or deleting content that does not comply with the provisions of these rules of use, content that constitutes a violation of the Provisions of the Law and/or content that may harm the Company, its business, its customers and/or any of those acting in its name and/or on its behalf.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

Copyright, intellectual property and any other right to the Site and the content that is use on the site, to a computer code, a graphic file, text and any other information contained on the site, belong and will belong exclusively to the Company. It is prohibited to copy, distribute, display in public or pass on to a third party, any of the above, and/or any part thereof, unless on receipt of the Company’s prior, written consent, and subject to that consent if granted.

Registered and unregistered trademarks that appear on the sight are the intellectual property of the Domino's Pizza chain and of the Company. Under no circumstances may use be made of the trademarks on the Site, unless with the prior, written consent of the owners.

The submission of content to the Site constitutes an explicit declaration that you possess all rights and are entitled to submit it for publication and that its submission does not violate the right of any third party, including copyright and/or another’s right to privacy.

Please note that the Company will rely on this declaration as a basis for including content you submitted to the Site. 

The submission of information for publication will grant the Company the right, unlimited in time, to make use of the information in Israel and/or abroad, without the Company being obligated to pay any consideration for this, subject to the Provisions of the Law and the Privacy Policy.

In this regard, the Company will be entitled to publish the information and/or its parts, in any part of the Site, to edit the information and/or make any alterations thereto, at its discretion. In this regard, the Company will be entitled to reproduce, copy, distribute and market the information. The Company will not listen to any claim regarding infringement of copyright and/or moral right and/or your right to receive payment for this.

User’s liability

A user who makes use of the Site contrary to the rules of use, or contrary to the Provisions of the Law, will bear exclusive liability for his actions, including any damage, direct and/or indirect, that will be caused to the Company and/or to any other person.

A user who makes use of the Site contrary to the rules of use, or contrary to the Provisions of the Law, in such a way, is obligated to compensate the Company and to indemnify it and/or its staff, its managers, its shareholders or anyone acting on behalf of the aforementioned, for any direct and/or indirect damage, including loss, loss of profit, payment or expense caused to them, including lawyers’ fees and court expenses, on the first request and in accordance therewith.

The Company is entitled to terminate the use that you make of the Site, in any case of action contrary to the rules of use, and/or the Provisions of the Law. However, your use not being terminated does not exempt you from the above-mentioned liability, nor does it constitute prohibition of and/or consent to your above-mentioned action.


Content of the site

This Site contains information of various types including, but not limited to: text, news, opinions, articles, announcements and any other text and/or any other information of any kind edited and/or displayed as an image and/or by sound and/or by any other means of illustration and/or reception existing and/or that will exist in the future that can be received by Users (henceforth: "Content").

Links that appear on the Site are included therein for the convenience and service of the user; the Company will not be responsible in any way for the applications linked to the content displayed therein, for the quality of the service that they provide, and their inclusion does not attest to the correctness of the applications to which links will be directed.

Content that will be included in the Forums is submitted and included on the site, at the user's exclusive responsibility. The Company does not undertake to supervise forums and their content, and it cannot and will not be responsible in any way for such content and its impact on a user, reader, or any other person.

The Company will not be liable for any direct and/or indirect damage to the body and/or property of a user and/or a third party insofar as it may be caused due to, and/or in connection with, the use of the Site, its contents, reliance on them, including the effect of content on a User and/or a third party and/or their effect on software, hardware and/or its end equipment and/or through which they were received.

Sometimes there may be photographic errors and/or colour differences and/or additional items between the photographs of the products published on the site for illustration and the products as they will actually be supplied. If there is a clear, exceptional error, apparently in good faith, in the description of the product, this will not obligate the Company and it will allow the consumer to cancel and the full amount of money paid will be refunded.

Information submitted as a public service, such as, but not limited to surveys, statistics, analyses, evaluations, and/or calculators and other aids, is provided without responsibility for its contents; the information should not be considered a recommendation for action, nor should it be relied upon without further examination.

As a rule, any professional information, evaluations and opinions, including ideas and/or opinions, etc., that will be included on the Site is not a substitute for receiving individual opinions or advice, and should not be relied upon.


Nutritional information

1.            The content of the Site is intended for general and informative purposes only. The contents of the Site are not a replacement for medical or nutritional advice. To receive such advice, you should contact a professional. For this reason, the contents of the Site are not to be seen as a medical or nutritional recommendation. Any reliance on the information is undertaken solely at the responsibility of the user.

2.            Do not rely on the Company’s staff as a source of medical, nutritional or allergy information whatsoever.

3.            The values stated refer to:

a.            100 grams values per product after baking.

b.           A portion (a triangle of pizza). It is made clear that in any case, there might be a certain deviation from the information and the data displayed on the Site, because of the baking process, the preparation, and the varying sizes of the portions.

4.            Please note: The dishes might contain, and some of them do contain allergens of different kings, including dairy products, sesame, eggs, various types of nuts, almonds, peanuts, gluten, etc. The dishes are not produced in an environment clear of allergenic substances, and so this warning refers to all dishes.

5.            Regarding the gluten-free pizza, it is made clear that although it is not produced from materials that contain gluten, it must be taken into account that it is produced in a working environment that is not free of gluten, which might expose it to allergenic materials, including gluten. Therefore, it is recommended that those suffering from celiac, or customers sensitive to gluten, consult a medical or professional entity on this matter.

6.             Regarding the vegan cheese, it is made clear that although it is not produced from animal-based materials, it must be taken into account that it is produced in a working environment that is used for the preparation of pizza which is not free of animal-based materials. This clarification is intended both for vegans and also for customers who are lactose intolerant, and it is recommended that the latter consult a medical or professional entity on this matter.

7.            Most of the Company’s dishes are made from materials whose availability and nutritional values change with the seasons of the year and with the different varieties of some of the products. Moreover, the Company aspires at all times to develop and to improve the products, including the replacement of ingredients and the ingredients’ suppliers. For the above reasons, the nutritional values of the dishes advertised on this Site are representative values, and so there might be a certain deviation.

8.            Alterations to the dishes, their composition and/or their contents, might be made with no prior advice.


The price of the products advertised on the Site.

The Company is entitled to charge a delivery fee in addition to the price of the product, in accordance with, and as indicated in, the purchase procedure. The prices of the products, and also the size of the delivery fee (if charged at all), might change from time to time. The Company is entitled to make the price of the product conditional on delivery or collection from the branch at a minimum price for each order, as will be notified from time to time. It is made clear that there might be differences between the price of a product collected from the branch, and the price of the product delivered, as will be notified from time to time.


Commitment to a fixed delivery time

Dominos undertakes to deliver the order to the customer within the shortest possible time, determined in advance, as will be notified from time to time, starting from the time of receiving confirmation of the payment from the credit card company for the order, whether the order is placed through the Site, the application or by telephone. The progress of the order can be followed on the “Tracker” that shows the stages of preparation, and with the completion of the preparation, the customer will receive a text message that the delivery is on its way to him. It is made clear that Dominos does its best to meet the above delivery times, however, sometimes there might be delays. Delivery times are correct for all days of the week, and subject to availability and the opening hours of the chain’s branches and the delivery zones, and whether they are kosher or not, as applicable. In the event that parties or events that are beyond the control of the Site and/or the Company, delay or prevent the sale of products, or the supply of products advertised on the Site, at the times set, and/or if the supply of the product did not meet your expectations, you can contact our Customer Service, which is at your disposal by telephone to 03 – 624 1111 or 1 – 700 – 70 – 70 – 70, all days of the week except for holidays and memorial days. The Service hours of activity might change, as will be notified from time to time.


Cancellation of a transaction

There is no right to cancel a confirmed order, except in case of non-delivery or non-conformity.



The Company maintains ongoing control over the stock of products offered for sale. When the stock is about to end, the Site will notify consumers of this, and it will not be possible to purchase the products that are out of stock. If after placing an order, it turns out that the product is sold out, due to exceptional circumstances which were not known at the time of the order, the Company will notify the consumer and allow him to choose between receiving an alternative and equivalent product, or refunding the full amount paid.



General responsibility for the Site’s activity

The Company will not bear any responsibility for any illegal activity taken by those participating in the Site during on-site sales, or for any other party that is not under the Company’s complete control.

The Site makes, and will make, every effort to maintain the integrity of its activity but does not guarantee that the service on it will not be interrupted due to malfunctions in hardware, software or communication lines, and it will not be responsible for malfunctions or disruptions on the internet or communication lines.

The User exempts the Company from liability for any damage caused to him due to use of the Site. Exempting the Company from liability means exemption from any liability for direct or indirect damage to the User and/or any third party. The Company’s exemption from liability will also apply to any subsidiary company, affiliated company, associated company, shareholders, directors, executives, management, employees, and anyone acting on their behalf of and/or in their name, irrespective of whether or not explicitly stated below. Subject to the provisions of any law, in any event the Company’s maximum cumulative liability towards the user will not exceed the sum of the relevant order or NIS 100, whichever is the higher.


In any legal dispute, only the laws of the State of Israel will apply. The place of jurisdiction for any matter relating to the use of the Site will only be in the courts authorized by law in the State of Israel.



The Company is entitled to alter the Regulations and the rules of use, from time to time, to replace them, to edit them and/or to amend them in any way and without any obligation of giving advance notice thereof.